A Moment of Reflection:
A Personal Story

I’d like to take a minute to reflect on the passing of President George H. W. Bush to whom I have special admiration because of the kindness and warmth that he gave to my wife Joanne and son Bobby when our paths crossed back in 1993 at the Yachtsman Marina at Kennebunkport, ME. We were docked a half dozen boats away from his boat when one morning my son Bobby called out, “George Bush is coming down the ramp if you want to see him”. With that said, Joanne jumped up with her camera and said, “ I wonder if he’ll let me take his picture?”.  She approached President Bush and asked his permission to take a picture, noting that she didn’t mean to bother him. He told her that it wasn’t a bother at all, and that it comes with the job.

Joanne called out to Bobby who was over near the boat watching the mechanic prep it for the president, and said “Come over here and stay out of their way”. President Bush asked if Bobby was her son and Joanne answered that he was. President Bush then said, Come over here son and take a picture with me. He then put his arm around my son, and Joanne took the photo. Joanne and I were both floating on a cloud for days because of the kindness and warmth that President Bush extended to us, but of course Bobby at 10 years old wasn’t sure why we were getting so excited about a picture. I think that he has since come to realize that this short yet personal contact with 41 was a special moment that he, his mother, and I should treasure. I honestly believe that President Bush took the picture with my son for my wife’s benefit. I think he knew the great pride and joy that this would generate for a mother to see her young son have a photo taken with a President of the United States so warmly displayed, and personally offered.

Thank you Mister President for a life of service and especially for your kindness and warmth.

May you rest in Peace.